Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Re-(Re-?)Return of CR

You would think that being "locked down" at home would help facilitate posting.  You would be wrong.

And it appears that since my last post, Blogger has changed its interface - and not for the better, if all of the negative comments are to be believed.  I would have to agree that the new editor, at the very least, is not "better".  First thing I noticed was the missing "break" command - I actually had to open an old post, climb into the html code and copy/paste it out into this post.

OK, so - it turns out it's not "missing" after all - it has just changed the way it's looked for over 10+ years.

*SIGH* - Whatever.  I'll either get used to it (eventually), or I will switch blogging platforms.  Switching is not my first choice, as my addy would change.  Although, as a work-a-round, I suppose I could simply leave a forwarding link in my final post on this platform.

It is said that "the only constant in life is change"* and indeed change is inevitable, but I have always disliked "change for the sake of change".  But the ultimate reason for any change (or any action, for that matter) is always the same:  "Because it seemed like a good idea, at the time."

In any event, the change is here and I shall have to adapt, one way or the other.

Oh, and I'll try not to go so long between posts.  (That's "try" not necessarily "succeed".)
* Attributed, in various forms, to Heraclitus of Ephesus, but this is disputed (though he did say something somewhat similar).

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