Sunday, October 30, 2016

Running the Numbers

It's that time of year again:  "Night Revels" has returned.  I like Night Revels.  Maybe not as much as the original Mabar event, but I do like it.  That said...

Monday, October 17, 2016

An-n-n-d One Hundred


{And no "TL/DR" summary, either.  You have been warned...}

This is it - post 100.  Woohoo!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

I've Got 99 Posts, Son...

Which of course means my next post will be number 100...for this site, anyways.  I've been trying to come up with something "special" for post 100, but so far, I got nothin'.

In any event, let me point out a couple of changes here at ol' Chez CR.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Longest Dry Spell

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*
Is this thing on? Can anybody hear me (metaphorically speaking)?