Friday, November 27, 2020

Blehlind E Hor

For the second time in as many years, I've lost a gaming buddy.

Last February (2019), Shindurza was in a fatal car accident.  This past weekend (weekend prior to Thanksgiving), Tholgrin Stoneforge "passed beyond the rim*" as it seems he lost his battle with cancer.

I'm not sure how I first (virtually) met Tholgrin, but he managed to join our motley crew of misfits in DDO and LotRO and we'd run with him in those games on occasion.  He was also a founding player of Kobold Kindergarten, run by Evennote, so we'd 'see' him there during those game streams, too.  at least, most of the time - there were occasions that he just couldn't make the game, as is true with most of us who played.

Additionally, he was involved in several games on "D&D Nights on DDOstream", which occurs (nearly) every Sunday evening at 7-PM (Eastern).  And while I have been involved in some of those games as well, I don't think he and I ever ran in the same campaigns.

Further, he was also one of the three founding members of "Shroudpalooza** 2018" and was frequently (if not always) one of the commentators during the various runs.  For whatever reason, I was also allowed to provide commentary on some of those runs; it was a lot of fun.

As far as I know, he always played a dwarf character (at least, in DDO and LotRO and probably even in PnP‡ D&D, though I cannot confirm this).  So my title is in Dwarvish† in homage to his character race preference.

He will be missed.

* This phrase is how the surviving cast and crew of "Babylon 5" would describe those who worked on the show are no longer among us.

** Shroudpalooza being the brain-child of Bonnie Bew.  It is not a yearly thing, and as far as I know has only occurred twice, but I'm given to believe that it will be back again...someday.

†A Dwarvish (or Dwarven, if you prefer, which I typically do) translator can be found here.  I thought about writing the entire post in Dwarvish/Dwarven, but ultimately decided that would be more of a detraction.

‡ Though these days, I wonder if anyone actually still plays "PnP" (Pen/Pencil and Paper) versions of D&D, as virtual tabletops and virtual character sheets are so prevalent, these days.

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