♪♪ "Festivult" is here! / Coins have re-appeared; / Bring them all, and trade them all, / For cookies, cakes, and gear. ♪♪
♪♪ The Jester's everywhere, / Trading all his wares, / For the coins that you can find / In chests found here and there. ♪♪
♪♪ Eberron's the plane / Where "Festivult" does reign, / Not in the "Forgotten Realms", / Or any other planes*. ♪♪
♪♪ "Festivult is here!, / Gold coins are top tier, / Maybe you'll be lucky, too, / And pull some named loot gear. ♪♪
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Another Quick, Time-Limited Post
GoG is having (another) sale on D&D (and other) games.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
I've Got to Leave Ol' Goblin-Town
Goblin-town. If you've seen "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" (or read the book "The Hobbit") then you know it is a town of goblins (natch) located in (or under, if you prefer) "The Misty Mountains". In LotRO, it is a massive, maze-like area, with several layers, that starts off completely masked by the "fog-of-war". Fortunately, once you've explored an area, you lift the fog-of-war permanently...at least, as far as I know it's permanent.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Ah, there is nothing like holding a contest. If you never have, just know that they can be...contested.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Seasonal Sale and New Game Client (The Way it Should Be)
GoG is having their annual "Big Fall Sale" event,
Monday, October 26, 2015
Settling in at the New Digs
As has been foretold mentioned, LotRO is currently in the middle of consolidating; closing several servers and leaving a total of (10) others up and operational. Of the remaining servers, five are in the "US" region, and five are in the "EU" region, and never the twain shall speak. (By that I mean that a toon currently in the EU region cannot transfer to a US server, and vice-versa.)
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Finishing Unfinished Business
I do not hate my job, but there are times when it just really gets in the way of things I'd rather do. Which is not to necessarily imply that I'd rather be working on this blog, per se, but at the same time, it is one of the main reasons I sometimes go a few weeks between posts. But I digress...
Monday, August 31, 2015
And Then There Was One
In my last post, I had mentioned that my "quest completionist" toon was down to (3) heroic-elite, non-raid (and non-challenge) quests left to run: "Power Play", "Dreaming Dark", and "A New Invasion". Now, only "A New Invasion" remains.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Bump in the Road
I've been delayed. Or maybe it's "belayed", if your of a nautical bent. Or perhaps it's "detoured", "stalled", "stayed", or "hindered". "Tangent-ed"?
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
What's in a Scream?
Like Chicken Man, it's everywhere, it's everywhere! Odds are you've heard it, but you may not realize it. Then again, a lot of you probably do realize it. Of what do I refer? Why, arguably the most famous of all multi-media screams, specifically, if not sound effects, in general: The Wilhelm Scream.
Monday, August 3, 2015
The List is In
...or is that "up". In any case, the list of closing (and remaining open) servers for LotRO has been posted.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
LotRO to Merge Servers
For some time now, there has been a plan at LotRO to merge some of the servers. Way back at the beginning of the year (or so), Vyvyanne (yes, the very same, former DDO producer) announced in her "Producer's Letter" that there was a plan. At that time, no details were given; but now, we have some details.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Tales from PnP: The Rules of Adventuring
So the question of the week in issue #149 of the DDO Chronicle is: "What is the first rule of adventuring?" Which got me thinking back to the days of yore* and our little PnP group. For we actually *had* a list of "The Rules of Adventuring".
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
No Need to Login to Comment
Want to leave a comment, but don't want to join Disqus? And you don't want to login using your Disqus, Facebook, Twitter, or Google (Google+?) accounts either? No problem - simply leave a comment as a guest. Here's how:
Friday, June 26, 2015
Quest Completionist - There's a Light Up Ahead
On a server* known as Cannith, in a Guild called "Destiny", there lives a Hobbit resides a toon named Bilbo Baggins Zbran.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
Unique LotRO Game Play: "Chicken-Man" Edition
I was browsing/lurking the LotRO Fora (sorry, "forums"), as I tend to do, when I learned something I had never heard of before. Now, I've heard of the PvMP ("Player vs. Monster Player") mechanic, which is LotRO's version of PvP play, but this? This is something I don't believe I've ever heard of in any game (though maybe something like it does exist somewhere else): There is actually a chain of quests that you can play as...a chicken.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
The Few, The Proud, The...Edited?
As of today, I have a rare distinction.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Tales from PnP: RP'ing Alignment
Pop Quiz: Your LG (Lawful Good) Paladin has been fighting a CE (Chaotic Evil) being, when all of a sudden, the CE mob surrenders and promises to leave and never darken that part of the world again, if you'll just let him go. What will you do?
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Lurkers, Unite
Recently, Frelorn (the LotRO Community Manager) released the names of the 2015 Player's Councils (PCs). Yes, "councils" - plural. It seems that LotRO has a dedicated PC for PvE and a dedicated PC for PvMP (that's, "Player vs. Monster Player" - LotRO's version of PvP).
Saturday, May 23, 2015
LotRO Steed Giveaway
I have a couple of codes left over from...well, it doesn't really matter where they are left over from, does it?
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Guilds of One
MMO - "Massively Multi-player Online". The very name indicates that you are not alone in whatever game-world you choose to play in. But just because there are (a lot of) other players, does that mean you are not allowed to play the game by yourself?
Monday, May 4, 2015
Filler - Some Metrics
As does happen from time-to-time, that most dreadful of all 4-letter words (W-O-R-K) has kept me somewhat busy. Or at least, busy enough to prevent me from posting some trivial drivel in this blog that for some unknown reason some people like to read (and sometimes, even leave a comment). That, and a small case of "writers' block" - but I'll mostly blame the aforementioned 4-letter word.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Too Much Eeeeeeevil
Apparently, U25 and the Temple of Elemental Evil are so evil {How evil are they?}...
Thursday, April 2, 2015
With U25 comes changes to the rogue Enhancements (ENs); all (3) Prestige Enhancement (PrE) panels* are getting changes. And as is always the case, some changes are better than others. But I want to focus on one specific EN change - the new, tier 4 mechanic EN of "Fletching".
Saturday, March 21, 2015
How I Would Change DDO's Enhancement System
Note that I did not say "improve" or "fix"; I find such statements to be arrogant and insulting - as if what that person proposes is the "only" way it could be "fixed". That said, I do think my ideas would provide...betterment (at least, from the players' perspective - hehehe).
Sunday, March 15, 2015
NWO Delays EE Launch
NWO's "Elemental Evil" module, which was scheduled to launch this Tuesday (3/17), has been delayed.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Mimic Hunt Event (An Editorial)
I was thinking of calling this post a "critique", but that has a denotation of criticism, and criticism has a negative connotation. And while, yes, I do have some criticisms, it is not my intention for them to be the focus of this post, even though they probably will be. Editorial, on the other hand, makes it fairly clear that these are my opinions (which may or may not be shared by anyone else).
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Who Let the Mimics Out?
SHHHHHH!!!!!! Be very, very quiet - I'm huntin' mimics!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
My Least Favorite Armor
It's not a specific armor item, but a class of armor. Well, more correctly, a 'sub-class' of armor. I haven't seen anything like it with heavy or medium armor. In fact, the only other 'armor' that comes close is "robes". But then, robes are supposed to look like, well, robes.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Saga Rewards
Sometimes, the choice is easy...
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
ESO Goes F2P
I predicted it. I'm not the only one who did, of course, but I still did. When "The Elder Scrolls Online" (ESO*) was in beta, there was a lot of speculation as to which MMO model they would choose when they went live. The gaming blogs were divided.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Collectible Cards Update
Crunch time has been over now for a while - it ended with the release of U24. I did not crunch all of my card. I purposefully kept (1) of each type of card that I had, on each server (hey, they are collectible cards; so I collected them).
Thursday, January 8, 2015
The Best Laid Plans
Between Christmas and New Years', I was on vacation. I typically take that time of year off, for a couple of reasons. Not the least of which is always having that week off from school (when I was attending, of course) - I got used to having it off, so I've just continued that tradition.
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